Tri Rachmadijanto

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dr. Tri Rachmadijanto merupakan dokter Spesialis Anak. Ia menyelesaikan studi kedokteran di Universitas Airlangga. Sekarang, ia berpraktik di Rumah Sakit Denisa.

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Info Akademis

Spesialis Anak - Universitas Airlangga

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Rumah Sakit Denisa

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Tri Rachmadijanto

(7 Ulasan)

Spesialis Anak

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Rumah Sakit Denisa

Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo No. 73, Dahanrejo, Gresik


7 Komentar

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  • Susan Lestari
    Susan Lestari
    0 suka
    Siang dok.. Sya ingin bertanya Bayi saya saat ini usia 9 bulan 1/2 BB saat asi ekslusif naik terus namun ketika sudah mulai mpasi makan nya lahap sekali namun BB nya sulit naik pdhal makan nya banyak... Namun stiap kali habis makan dia selang 15 menit langsung BAB.. Bab nya konsistensi nya biasa dok normal tidak ada gangguan absorbsi.. Kira2 apa yg harus saya lakukan agar BB nya bisa naik dok? Terimakasi
    • Naila Sa'adah
      Naila Sa'adah
      0 suka
      Selamat pagi dok saya mau bertanya anak saya sudah 6 bulan 10 hari sudah mpasi untuk jadwal mpasimya sudah 3x makan dan 2x pure buah apa sayur tapi dia masih susah bab dok apa kebanyakan susu dok
      • Sep Dian
        Sep Dian
        1 suka
        Selamat pagi dok,saya mau bertanya,,,jika bayi kejangny hilang timbul to g sering sampe matanya keatas,dimana sblumny kemungkinan disebabkan Krn digoyang2kan badan bayiny dengan keras,n bagaimana cara mengasiny dok,apak perlu di ronsen,trimakasih dok
        • Jullia Safitri
          Jullia Safitri
          0 suka
          Dokter saya mau tanya apakah ibu menyusui yang sembelit bisa membuat bayi sembelit juga? Anak saya usia nya 1bulan kalau BAB terlalu mengejan tapi tekstur feses ny tidak keras dan BAB nya juga sering bisa 3-4 kali dalam sehari mohon penjelasannya dok. Terima kasih
          • Syahfitri Siregar
            Syahfitri Siregar
            0 suka
            Dokter anak saya saat ini usia 4 bulan dan batuk terus menerus tidak berhenti sepanjang malam dan sampai muntah. Batuknya sudah lama dok, tapi 1 minggu belakangan ini semakin parah. Hidungnya juga mampet terus. Saat masih usia 1 bulan kalau sdg ASI sering terdengar sesak bgitu. Mohon bantuannya dok apa bagaimana anak sya bisa sembuh? Adakah obat yang baik dan aman utk bayi saya.. Terima kasih dokter
            • Charis Charles
              Charis Charles
              0 suka
              Dok anak saya umur 2 bulan jalan 3 Waktu 1 bulan dia full asi masuk 2 bulan sya kasih sufor dan asi tp sufor nya 1 x sehari aja krn asi sya kalo malam suka kering.. dan tiba2 kesini makin jarang kwlr awal nya minum susu frisolac yg katanya dia mengunakan locnutri jdi aman utk pencernaan bayi.. awal nya anak sya minum aman aja, bab tiap hri tapi lama2 dia bab nya 3 smpai 4 hari sekali bahkan pernah 5 hari dan keras.. kotoran nya seperti fases org dewasa sdh berbentuk.. Prnh konsul dokter kmrin katanya gpp , di suruh lanjutkan aja susunya merek frisolac dan di kasih interlac , tapi anak sya ttp bab nya 3 smpai 4 hari sekali dok.. jadi apakah sya perlu ganti susu dok? Apakah anak sya alergi susu ? Dan susu formula apa yg cocok utk anak saya


              Menunggu selama: 60 menit

              • Hwang Myung
                Hwang Myung
                0 suka
                Calvary Greetings, I have a proposal for you - this however is not mandatory nor will i in any manner compel you to honor against your will. I am working with Maybank London Uk branch. In this bank existed a dormant account for the past years, which belong to an oil magnet who is now late. When i discovered that there had been neither deposits nor withdrawals from this account for some time, i decided to carry out a system investigation and discovered that none of the family member or relations of the owner is aware of this account. This is the details in a nutshell. As a Christian, i thought it wise if this money will be transferred to the church as a donation to help the orphans and less privileged. Now i need an account where i can transfer these funds for the above purpose because it is preferable to transfer the funds through the church than transferring it through an individual who might divert the money for his own private use. Thereafter, i will destroy all related documents and informations for that account. It is a careful network and for the past six months i have worked out everything to ensure a hitch-free operation. The amount at the moment, plus all the accumulated interest in this account stands at US $13,107,000 (Thirteen Million One Hundred And Seven Thousand US dollars). Now my questions are: - 1. Do you have a company account? 2. Can you handle this project? 3. Can i give you this trust? 4. What will be your commission? Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Finally, it is my humble prayer that the information as contained here in is accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the secrecy it deserves. I hope my message did not come as an embarrassment to you, but if it does please kindly accept my apologies. Thanks in anticipation. Respectfully yours, Hwang
            • delisa
              0 suka
              dok anak saya demam.ny kalo malem aj.knp ya batuk pilek udh dua minggu
              • Hwang Myung
                Hwang Myung
                0 suka
                Calvary Greetings, I have a proposal for you - this however is not mandatory nor will i in any manner compel you to honor against your will. I am working with Maybank London Uk branch. In this bank existed a dormant account for the past years, which belong to an oil magnet who is now late. When i discovered that there had been neither deposits nor withdrawals from this account for some time, i decided to carry out a system investigation and discovered that none of the family member or relations of the owner is aware of this account. This is the details in a nutshell. As a Christian, i thought it wise if this money will be transferred to the church as a donation to help the orphans and less privileged. Now i need an account where i can transfer these funds for the above purpose because it is preferable to transfer the funds through the church than transferring it through an individual who might divert the money for his own private use. Thereafter, i will destroy all related documents and informations for that account. It is a careful network and for the past six months i have worked out everything to ensure a hitch-free operation. The amount at the moment, plus all the accumulated interest in this account stands at US $13,107,000 (Thirteen Million One Hundred And Seven Thousand US dollars). Now my questions are: - 1. Do you have a company account? 2. Can you handle this project? 3. Can i give you this trust? 4. What will be your commission? Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Finally, it is my humble prayer that the information as contained here in is accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the secrecy it deserves. I hope my message did not come as an embarrassment to you, but if it does please kindly accept my apologies. Thanks in anticipation. Respectfully yours, Hwang


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